Frequently Asked Questions


Dear friends!

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding the competition and its rules which we had to answer many times. We left the wording of the authors unchanged. Please scroll them and click the sections and buttons.

1. Quorum

What is a Quorum?

A quorum is an old latin word meaning a minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct the business of that group (Wikipedia). In our case it is the number of participants needed to start the competition.

Why do you need a Quorum?

The reasons we need a Quorum lie mainly in the fact that we want to make the competition serious, valid, useful, reputable, new, interesting, promising, fairdistinguishing, outstanding, modern and (hopefully) free for every young musician to participate in it in the future.

Why did you choose the number of 1000 and not e.g. 100 or 10000?

1000 participants is reasonable. This is also an amount of participants that we can handle and which we will stand for. In our opinion 100 participants is too little to make a valid competition, especially if you try to divide this number in age groups and music instruments. 10000 people is a too large amount for us. Please contact us if you know or find a quality competition of this size so we can contact the organizational committee and share the experience.

How did you set up a Quorum? Do you have a graphics of it?

Here you will find the graphics. Please note that it is a formal calculation. The quorum is divided in 500 participants in violin and 500 in piano. Each category is divided in 4 age groups. The prizes are available for each of the groups.

When will you reach the Quorum?

The sooner the better for all of us. You can help us to reach the quorum faster if you repost our videos on Facebook and Instagram and pre-register yourself if you want to participate.

2. Competition

Why should I participate?

You should participate because this competition is valid and serious. We never brake our promises to students, parents and their professors.

What do I get from the competition if I win some main prize or the Papa-Haydn-Prize?

  1. You get the prize.
  2. You get a competition diploma.
  3. You show your performance to a very prominent jury.
  4. You get the contact with the jury if jury member and you want to.
  5. You get promotion on Social Media incl. Youtube.
  6. You get a chance to take part in our fantastic future events around the competition (concerts, masterclasses and media productions).
  7. You get a chance to get a contract with artist managers.
  8. You know for sure that there were at least 125 participants in your group and you got what you have got with the most  impartial judgement possible.

What do I get if I don't win anything?

  1. You get a certificate of participation in the competition.
  2. You can improve your performance and take part again. We strongly encourage you to do this because we and the jury will track your artistic development!
  3. You will see and hear the performing level of other participants and learn what to improve.
  4. You show your performance to a very prominent jury.
  5. You get the contact with the jury if jury member and you want to.
  6. You get promotion on Social Media incl. Youtube.
  7. You get a chance to take part in our fantastic future events around the competition (concerts, masterclasses and media productions).
  8. You get a chance to get a contract with artist managers.
  9. You know for sure that there were at least 125 participants in your group and you got what you have got with the most  impartial judgement possible.

How is the judgement made?

The judgement is made upon the whole performance taking into account the age, the program choice incl. duration, the technical and the artistic level. Advice: try to perform like if you would have been in a concert hall in front of the audience. The judgement in the 2nd round will be based on videos from both rounds!

3. Program

What pieces should I play?

The ones you love the most and can best. Pay attention that they have to be from different music epochs. Always check the rules! When choosing the program please remember that playing shorter and clean is better than playing longer and not clean.

May I use the same music epochs in both rounds?

Yes, but we recommend to show your talent as diverse as you can.

Do I have to play Joseph Haydn's music?

No, but we would be very glad if you will do so. But keep in mind that just the fact playing Joseph Haydn’s music alone will not get you any extra advantages.

4. Deadlines

What are the deadlines to apply?

There is no deadline to apply because we are gathering the Quorum! The timeline how the competition will move on when the Quorum has been reached is outlined in the Calendar section of our website.

What? No deadlines? Are you insane? How can I prepare myself if there are no deadlines in the competition?

Yes, we don’t have deadlines. The reason is quite easy to explain: it takes a lot of time to get the quorum and if you already have a video for the 1st round you can submit it during the pre-registration now. If you have no program ready now you can pre-register without submitting a video or a program and start to work!

How do I know how many participants have registered?

The counter with the number of currently registered participants is placed on the start page and in the Calendar section of our website.

Is there a deadline for submitting the video for the 1st round?

No. If you already have a video for the 1st round you can submit it during the pre-registration or you can pre-register and wait for the 1st round registration to be opened and submit it then.

How do I know when the registration for the 1st round starts?

We will inform every participant who have pre-registered himself per e-mail left during the pre-registration. We advice you to check the news on our website, Facebook and Instagram page.

How much time is between the 1st round and the 2nd round?

You will have approximately 1,5 months to prepare or refresh your program for the 2nd round.

5. Video

Does it have to be one video or it can be two videos of the pieces?

No, it doesn’t have to be one video. The videos can be taken on different days but, the vides have to be taken in one piece for each music piece including a large piece. Eg a concerto or sonata has to be recorded with all parts you have declared in the program during the pre-registration/registrations for the 1st or the 2nd round in one.

6. Registration

How can I pre-register?

Just head to the Application section of our website. The registration forms are self-explanatory.

When can I register for the 1st round?

You have to pre-register first! You will receive an invitation to register for the 1st round per e-mail when the time has come.

When can I register for the 2nd round?

You have to be admitted to the 2nd round in order to be able to register. We will contact you if you have been admitted to the 2nd round and send you the registration link and password.

Why are the fees divided?

The fees are divided because we think it is the most fair approach. You pay the fees only if you are involved in the competition.

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