Prizes Piano


Group A

Age: 6-7 years
1st Prize - 150 €
2nd Preis - 100 €
3rd Preis - 50 €

Group B

Age: 8-10 years
1st Prize - 200 €
2nd Prize - 150 €
3rd Prize - 100 €

Group C

Age: 11-13 years
1st Prize - 300 €
2nd Prize - 200 €
3rd Prize - 150 €

Group D

Age: 14-17 years
1st Prize - 450 €
2nd Prize - 300 €
3rd Prize - 200 €

Papa Haydn Prize

10 % of 2nd Round participants

Encouragement prize

The Papa Haydn Prize in the piano category is a necessary sheet music. It can be a voucher from Viennese sheet music stores such as Doblinger or Musikhaus Laimer or from a sheet music store in the winner’s country. This prize is awarded to 10% of the participants from the 2nd round.

A. Zielinski Special Prize

The A. Zielinski special prize is awarded in the piano category in memory of professor Anatoli Zielinski who was one of the followers and guardians of the performing tradition of Heinrich Neuhaus and Alexander Scriabin.

Awarding person: Olga Huber – pianist and former student of A. Zielinski.

Awarding criteria: The prize will be awarded for highly precise technique of the music performance to a young musician who has been admitted to the 2nd round of the competition. Special attention is put on the correlation of the clearness and the tempo.

Award: 350€

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